Review the Dynamics of Orthodoxy
Perpetuating the School
The diagram below shows Centres and Channels with provisional names.
Internal duality
Shown vertically on the left.
- The lower part sustains the doctrine by focusing on awareness and dissemination of the ideas—using . primarily
- The upper part sustains the school by focusing on the essential formulations and their value—using . primarily
- The is expected to mediate between these two concerns. It provides a social home for adherents and their repeated reaffirmation of realizations, while providing a system that channels orthodox controls, doctrinal extension and social applications.

Psychosocial Pressures
Tier 1 and Tier 2 psychosocial pressures are shown vertically on the far right
Within the green brackets on the right are Tier-3 pressures.
The Root Level pressures, labeled RL, suggest that the school as an active social group is grounded via a demonstrated shared reality of certainty delivered by . However, the school's long term future depends on the doctrine surviving in an orthodox form, and this is grounded by the who, using their deep understanding, can be controlled by . The other levels orient and support group life and doctrinal vitality under pressures of acceptability, well-being, and performance. Selflessness applies in regard to generating social benefits at the top
, which is controlled via theThe Spiral Stage pressures, labeled CL, provide a different perspective. Perpetuation depends on performance at the ground level (as above) but on acceptability at the highest level. Certainty and well-being apply in regard to sustaining the school , while selfessness, understanding and autonomy underpin sustaining the doctrine
This section is now complete.
If the observations and analyses are correct, then it should be possible to determine a structural hierarchy. Investigation showed this was indeed possible and it revealed the components for the .
- Examine school functioning.
Originally posted: 4-Dec-2022. Last updated: 20-Mar-2024.